The weak forms and boundary conditions are the backbone of a COMSOL model. Therefore, it is crucial to define them correctly. This definition is in Weak Form PDE interface.

A suitable boundary condition can help to find eigenmodes more quickly and more accurately, since It can filter trivial results.


Acoustic Field

Weak Form: Mechanic Term

These two lines correspond to elastic energy and kinetic energy.

%% 1st line:

%% 2nd line:

Weak From: Coupling Term

耦合项定义在一个单独的节点的意义在于,想要模拟纯声场的时候,只需要禁用 耦合项和电磁场对应的弱形式偏微分方程 接口即可。

%% The coupling term:

Boundary Condition: Free Boundary Condition


自由边界条件其实不需要额外输入,使用默认的零通量 即可。

使用别的边界条件的时候把自由的边界空出来,默认的零通量 会自动应用在这个边界上,这个边界就会成为自由边界。

Note that, for now, the free boundary condition can only be used on the acoustic field. I am not sure

注意:目前自由边界条件只能应用在声场上,暂不清楚零通量 在电磁场的弱形式中意味着什么。

Boundary Condition: Fixed Boundary Condition


固定约束可以通过狄利克雷边界条件 实现。在弱形式偏微分方程 节点上单击右键,可以找到并添加狄利克雷边界条件狄利克雷边界条件 限制的就是我们之前设置过的三个因变量,需要把三个对勾都勾上,然后在三个输入框中都输入0